Sylvester Stallone Movies: An Examine of His Iconic Career
Sylvester Stallone is an American actor, director, and screenwriter renowned for his iconic roles in films like Rocky and Rambo. As one of the world's most recognizable actors, Stallone has earned himself a place of honor in Hollywood. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of Stallone's movies as well as some of his greatest performances and accomplishments.
Early Career
Sylvester Stallone was born in 1946 in New York City and began his acting career in the 1970s. His early roles were usually small roles such as Bananas or The Lords of Flatbush; however, Stallone's breakthrough came in 1976 when he wrote and starred in Rocky.
Rocky tells the tale of a down-on-his-luck boxer who gets an opportunity to compete for the world heavyweight title. Stallone's performance as R...