The best brickwork is freshly laid and neatly cleaned. One of the best parts about purchasing a newly built property is that the walls are brand new and clean. How can construction workers protect this new masonry from the elements and keep it looking good for as long as they possibly can?
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!It is possible that you have never heard of the Brick Development Association, which makes strict recommendations for builders when they are laying brickwork or other masonry. This is especially important when the weather conditions in the autumn and winter months can be cold and wet.
When laying bricks, it is important to keep them as clean as possible. It is important to protect the bricks from cold and wet weather and prevent mortar splashing on them.
The perfect way to protect your new bricks is with waterproof sheeting. It will keep them safe from the damage that rain or snow can cause. The heavens can open in a matter of minutes, destroying all your lovely bricks that you have just started to lay. Bricks should be kept dry at all times.
Maintaining brickwork is important even after the bricks are installed. This will keep them looking great. When you need Exeter Builders, contact Silverfern, a firm of leading Exeter Builders.
It’s also important to keep them warm. If temperatures fall below 3 degrees Celsius, anyone laying bricks must stop building. Winter is a time when persistent overnight frosts are a problem. It is therefore important to keep an eye on the forecast. If overnight frosts are predicted, it is important to plan ahead and cover any unset mortar. Hessian is useful to prevent the mortar from cracking.