Whilst many of us have been holding on to our smartphones for a longer period of time, it may be coming up to that time for you to take the leap and grab the latest upgrade with a new flagship device, but if you’re not one to pay attention to the phone market as a whole there may be features that you’re unaware of that have become a bit of a necessity, or in many instances lately the lack of them, so what should you look out for if you’re heading towards your upgrade period for a new device?
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Keep an eye out for missing essentials – There had been a lot of news around Apple late last year when they announced that their newest devices would be shipping without a plug or without headphones to save of packaging costs and cut their impact on the climate, and regardless of where the truth in that many others is have since started to follow. It’s not the first of the cutbacks that have been seen as devices have been shipping without headphone, expandable memory slots, or many other essentials, and it’s important to know what you may not receive. There’s also a premium on buying these extra bits, so if you’re in need of a USB-C cable for example for charging, you may be better off seeking one away from the official stores with huge mark-ups. Keep reading the mobile pokies app.
A push forward for mobile displays – Our devices have certainly become multi-media machines and whilst one of the big features have been aimed toward the camera, the display has been just as important. This has become particularly impactful for the growing gaming audience on mobile too, with options like this dunder casino review showing aspects of the changing online gaming space having a good screen is key – faster displays, bigger resolutions, and better colour display have all become important features so if that’s something you look out for in your device then this is certainly an area to target.
(Image from circuitdigest.com)
Other big features like 5G – If you’re on an older device, you’ll likely not be ready for big new features in networking like 5G either and is certainly something you’ll want to target as 5G begins its big rollout – given there’s unlikely to be any other big networking change in the near future making sure that you’re 5G ready will set you up for a long period of time if you’re looking not to change device for quite some time again, so it’s important to target features like this early on.
There are certainly plenty of other things to look at – big ticket features like the camera, usability with things like peripherals, and future proofing the device to cover any need you may have further down the line – whilst also paying attention to any future features that may be deemed essential for you.