The benefits of volunteering

For many of us getting the experience we need on a CV can be a challenge, It certainly becoming a reality for the next generation of the workforce coming through as traditional  roles in retail, hospitality and bar work, the “Saturday job” as it were are all significantly reduced following COVID plus high-interest rate to curtail social and food spending, It’s also true of those who have been made redundant and want to return to the workforce, regardless of age. However, there is a solution, take up a volunteering role.

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There are many areas of the country that look to provide these opportunities. For example, Volunteer Jobs Swansea way, and throughout the South of Wales offer a wide range of volunteering roles that can give someone an excellent basis for skills and knowledge in many areas of employment.

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The main element that makes people baulk at taking a volunteer role is that it is not paid. This is true but you have to consider the long-term benefits that volunteering will bring. Expenses are usually covered and many councils and organisations who run volunteering offer reward schemes of free drinks and access to services that may have previously been impossible to get hold of. Also, it gives the person volunteering the chance to make friends and widen their social circle. This allows people to build contacts and even start to network a little. Most of all it gives them work experience.