How to Keep Your House Warm in Winter

When the temperature starts to drop, these handy hints will help you to keep warm this winter.

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Use Your Oven
Once you’ve finished using the oven for cooking, many of us would just close the door. But once it’s switched off, that’s a valuable source of heat that can help to warm up your house as long as it’s safe to do so and kids and pets are kept out of harm’s way.

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Service Your Boiler
Giving your boiler a service once a year helps to make sure it works as efficiently as possible. Not only does this warm up your house more effectively, it cuts down on bills too. And with energy prices set to rise by 5% in January, every penny counts.

Insulate with Curtains and Carpets
Windows and floors are a major source of heat loss, so curtains and carpets can be real heat savers. Draw curtains before it gets dark and you’ll save around 40% of your room’s heat.

You could also consider adding thick insulating carpets. To reduce the initial cost, firms providing pay weekly carpets allow you to purchase flooring using a payment plan to spread the cost. There is a wide choice of pay weekly carpets available too, in a range of colours and designs.

Insulate Pipes
Installing foam lagging around your pipes is easy to do and stops them freezing, helping your hot water system to work more effectively.

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Bleed Your Radiators
If your radiator is warm at the bottom but cold at the top, you may need to bleed them. This releases air trapped at the top of the radiator and helps the hot water to fill up the whole system evenly.

By following these tips, you can help to save heat (and pennies) this winter.