It can be difficult with all of the standard pressures of high school to already be thinking about college from the very beginning. However, if you do, you will greatly increase your chances of being accepted to your top choices. This is especially the case if you want to study business. Here are 5 high school prep tips for business majors.
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If you want to be accepted into a competitive business program, then you’re going to have to get some key letters of recommendation. After all, you need to earn your bachelor’s from a prestigious college if you’re going to be accepted into a renowned business school program. So don’t ask your music or your art teacher to give you a letter of recommendation. Go to your economics teacher, your math teacher, or your speech and debate coach.
Research Business Programs
Before you start filling out any applications, or even before you decide for sure that you want to major in business, you want to do extensive research on the various business schools around the country. You want to know what separates one from the next, and you want to know which schools are most suited for your learning style. The other thing you want to learn is exactly what each school is looking for in their prospective students.
Talk to Your Counselor About Prerequisites
Once you are sure that you want to apply for business programs, and especially if you have a shortlist of schools that you are thinking of applying to, you want to talk to your guidance counselor about how you should plan your high school course schedule accordingly. There are probably a few classes that will look really great on your transcript, so you will want to prioritize those classes on your schedule request forms each semester. The more you can do to demonstrate your drive and tenacity to your preferred colleges, the better.
Keep Your GPA Up
If you want to get into your top schools, then you have to maintain top grades. If you decide to slack off for a semester, or if you don’t do your best in those key courses that you are taking as prerequisites, then it could really hurt your chances of being accepted to the schools you want most. It can be difficult to stay motivated every semester of all 4 years of high school, but you have to keep your eyes on the prize.
Take an SAT Prep Course
No matter what you want to major in, if you want your application to really impress the admissions officers, you have to do well on your SATs. That’s why it’s so important to get yourself into an SAT prep course and to take the PSAT at least once. This will really make a huge difference in your performance when you finally go to take your SAT. Plus, you will eventually have to take the GMAT if you want to get into business school, so you have to show schools that you excel at standardized testing.