If you are wanting to do your bit to help wildlife, the first place you can start is in your own garden! Here are five things that you could do to create a more wildlife friendly back garden…
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Composting – A great way to recycle and create your own compost is to start composting. You can use food waste and garden waste like dead leaves to create a supply of your own compost, and this helps the environment too!
Build a Pond – This is a fantastic attraction to wildlife as well as being a beautiful feature for your garden. There are lots of pond building tutorials online, and a pond doesn’t have to be big to support many creatures!
Plant Trees – Trees don’t only make a garden look beautiful; they are also hugely important for many species of animals. From food that is provided in the form of nuts and berries, to shelter for creatures. If you want a tree that is fully grown, go to somewhere like this theplantcollector.com/collections/mature-trees that has mature trees for sale.
Have a Wild Area – Creating an area that is undisturbed and has a variety of native plants and long grasses is an easy way to help provide a habitat for creatures, as well as being important for bees and butterflies.
Provide Shelter – Having areas where animals can shelter and set up home, from bird nesting boxes to bug houses means that animals can have a safe space to rear their young or shelter from the bad weather.